Welcome to the Network


The Global Research Network on Social Determinants of Mental Health and Exposomics (SDoMHE Network) is a multi-disciplinary worldwide research Network open to interested scientists, clinicians, educators, public health advocates, professional societies, and institutions.

The SDoMHE Network aims to promote, endorse, and maintain high scientific standards of research, practice, training, and advocacy.

The SDoMHE Network fosters a worldwide intercultural, interdisciplinary dialogue and mutual learning among individuals and groups.

The SDoMHE Network provides a platform for the development of theories, valid and pragmatic assessment methods, bio-psycho-social markers, and prevention and treatment approaches, and promotes the integration of thinking in clinical and non-clinical fields in mental health.


Principal Objectives:

  • To foster and encourage scientific research and advancement in the field of social determinants of health and exposomics in psychiatry
  • To expand knowledge and understanding within the field, especially related to assessments and interventions at individual and community levels
  • To establish, build, and maintain solid collaboration with international and national organizations related to social determinants of health and exposomics in psychiatry
  • To improve the quality of training spanning the relevant disciplines

Ultimate Goal:

Bring together various scientific fields in mental health across the globe to better define, assess, and understand the SDoMHE including the underlying mechanisms, and develop and test interventions to prevent and treat mental illnesses and improve mental health of the general population globally.